BOYDesign is Rick Boyd, a graphic designer working with clients in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors. Although his primary activity involves graphic design, he is skilled in a variety of creative disciplines. These include writing, musical composition, illustration, photography and type design. His designs have garnered numerous awards, most notably from the Oklahoma City Advertising Club, the Beckett Paper Company and the Baptist Communicators Association.
He has handled a diverse array of projects ranging from creating logos and branding strategies to designing brochures and publications to orchestrating entire promotional and advertising campaigns. For 16 years, he served as art director/designer of the magazine SBC LIFE while serving clients across the country from his studio in Oklahoma City.
With a degree in Graphic Communication and post-graduate studies in both Religious Education and Church Communication from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he has a unique perspective on how to blend ministry with effective communication. His work with automobile dealerships, financial institutions, hospitals, medical professionals and retailers further expands his communication skills into the business world. He has worked with:
Baptist Convention of New Mexico
Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma
Baptist Press
Baptist State Convention of Michigan
Boyd Chevrolet
Choctaw Road Baptist Church, Choctaw, Oklahoma
Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City, Missouri
Dakota Baptist Convention
Deaconess Hospital
Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, SBC
First Southern Baptist Church, Oklahoma City
Ginosko Publishing
Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary
Illinois Baptist State Association
Immediate Care of Oklahoma
International Mission Board, SBC
Kairos Journal
League of World War 1 Aviation Historians
Legacy Bank
Life Line Chaplaincy
Living in the Word Publications
Louisiana Baptist Convention
Mercy Hospital
Meridian University
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Missouri Baptist Convention
Oklahoma Baptists
The Oklahoma Family Network
Prophecy in the News
Quail Springs Baptist Church
SBC Executive Committee
South Carolina Baptist Convention
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southern Baptists of Texas Convention
Stamford Baptist Church, Stamford, Connecticut
Trinity Coding & Billing